Test automation solutions.
Test Automation Services

NETALG offers offers Test Automation Services in three main areas
Our company has a long experience and an extensive background in End-to-End testing of complex Telecommunications Networks. Our team members worked before in some of the world largests telecommunications infrastructure providers . The need for automatic, efficient and cost effective software testing is something that has been required for long time in the telecoms industry and has been adopted in some areas. However still today, test campaings with the introduction of new products continue to consume a large amount of expensive human resources. Having regognized the above NETALG was founded with a focus in serving the market requirements for automatic testing in the telecom industry and in general the needs from software developers.
Solutions for Network Operators and Integrators.

The telecom industry is very dynamic and inovative and is faced with the periodic introduction of new products and new features which require a thorough testing before being introduced in the production network. FEATURE TESTING is required in periodic or continuous campaigns representing a large portion of the total costs of the overall process.
The testing process, which can be both repetitive and time-consuming, is also subject to human error.
It is therefore essential to have automatic testing solutions capable to manage in a efficient way the large amount of required test cases.
Solutions for Embeded Software Developers.

For developers of new software, testing and verification are essential parts of the development process.
Also changes made to embedded software during its development requires additional testing.
Unlike manual testing, automated integration testing allows development teams to continue working in parallel in product's development while they are being tested. Test Automation also offers the ability to run tests repeatedly and quickly and this increases the likelihood that even small defects will be identified early enough to be corrected effectively.
Test Automation Consulting Services.

Consulting services cover several areas addressing subjects from "What to automate" "When to automate" up to the following topics:
Continious integration process development
Test Driven Development (TDD) and Behaviour Driven Development approaches implementation
Automation tools selection
Test strategy and test campaigns development.